The 1st EU-Africa PerMed Stakeholder Workshop took place, as an online event, on the 9th-10th of February 2022, hosted by the NACOSTI, the Kenya National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation.
The event brought together around 150 stakeholders from 41 different countries. During the first day, the participants learned about the project, the ICPerMed consortium and the vision from the European Commission about EU-Africa collaboration in PM. Presentations from different African speakers provided an overview of Personalised Medicine in Africa and across the different regions and participants were able to discuss with them about the challenges and opportunities for its implementation in Africa.
The second day of the workshops was focused on identifying and prioritising personalised medicine needs in Africa, with a key note presentation on the Personalised medicine Programme of South Africa and five small groups discussions focused on 5 relevant issues: i) Scientific and Technological Needs; ii) Scientific and Technological Application Fields; iii) Operational Needs for Better Integrating PM into Healthcare and Clinical Practice; iv) Governance/Regulatory/Ethics Needs to Make PM a Reality and v) What is/are the Need/s to Improve Healthcare.
The last part of the second day dealt with the potential and advantages of collaboration In the field of Personalized Medicine between Africa And Europe.
The complete agenda of the event can be found in the following PDF.
The report of the workshop is available as a project deliverable:
- D2.3. Report:The EU-Africa PerMed stakeholder workshop report.