20th-21st FEBRUARY 2023
Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
Local Hosts: South African Medical Research Council.
The EU-Africa PerMed Second Stakeholder Workshop was held on 20th and 21st of February 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa was the first on-site meeting following the first stakeholder workshop meeting hosted online organised by the EU-Africa PerMed Project. It was held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa and was hosted by the SAMRC, with contribution from other consortium members.
The aim of the stakeholder’s workshop was to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on the findings from prior activities carried out by EU-Africa PerMed. Specifically, the workshop objectives were: To review the PM landscape in Africa from various regional outcomes; Validate the gaps and needs identified for developing areas of interest; Validate and refine areas of mutual interest between Africa and Europe; Understand the importance, challenges and opportunities as well as to develop models of collaboration between Africa and Europe (governance, funding, partnerships, training program, etc.); and Reflect on models of collaboration for developing PM in the different regions of Africa.
The results of the workshop will feed into the project activities of carrying out the identification and collection of areas of mutual interest between Africa and Europe and validation of results already obtained during the project. The workshop outcomes will furthermore be considered for the ‘Action Plan for African-European collaboration in Personalised medicine developed by EU-Africa PerMed.’
The workshop was a hybrid meeting with 164 attendees (113 in-person and 51 online), including key representatives from government, academia, and industry such as health system policymakers, researchers, regulatory authorities, funding agencies, science councils, healthcare providers, researchers, scientific societies, regional technology developers and international organizations, from Africa and Europe.
The concept note for the workshop is available here.
The agenda of this event is also available here.
An internal workshop report is available upon request. Please, contact project coordination team, Erika Sela: erika.sela[at]innovatec.es