The EU-Africa PerMed project is happy to announce the launching of two project videos.
The first video, called EU Africa PerMed: Building Links Between EU & Africa in Personalised Medicine briefly explains why Personalised Medicine (PM) is important, what are the health challenges that Africa faces, how PM can help these countries to better address them and how the EU-Africa PerMed project is working to foster the collaboration in PM research between both regions as a means to support the integration of Africa in the global PM research agenda.
Video can be accessed here:
The second video is called EU Africa:PerMed Promoting Personalised Medicine Agenda and Africa EU Collaboration, and highlights the regional stakeholder workshops that the project is carrying out to interact with African stakeholders and work with them to discuss the PM agenda in the different countries and regions and together identify challenges and opportunities for collaboration with Europe. The project, based on these activities, will prepare an Action Plan to facilitate, foster and promote PM collaboration between Africa and Europe.
Video can be accessed here: